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Meet the CCSD Teacher: Brandie Broome of Clayton ES!

Meet the CCSD Teacher: Brandie Broome of Clayton ES!

Our amazing teachers are Elevating The Excellence in our schools … and every week, you’ll get to know one of them better through a Q&A posted here. #CCSDElevateTheExcellence



Brandie Broome
Clayton Elementary School 
AIM Gifted teacher 

What’s the most innovative idea that you’ve tried in your classroom? 
I love to teach concepts based on student interests or current events. Teaching through themes allows for cross-curricular activities while providing an opportunity for all students to enjoy participating in a preferred area. 
Who is the best teacher you ever had and what made him or her special?
Michelle Whitmire was an outstanding educator who impacted my life and my future aspirations to become a teacher.  She invested in her students personally.  My favorite thing about Mrs. Whitmire is that she always had a cheerful disposition and shared her humor with her students. 
What can parents do to prepare their children for learning?
Children learn so much from life experiences, which creates background knowledge.  I believe that spending time with children and communicating with them are the two main factors that build a foundation for their learning. 
What are the obstacles to getting all kids to achieve?
It is essential for students to feel supported in their classroom community.  Students may need to be provided with a variety of strategies to help them achieve success. T eaching perseverance is key to helping students overcome obstacles. 